• Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 1

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 1

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 1. The main topics covered in this chapter include: formal languages (syntactic languages), informal languages (semantic languages), empty string or null string, valid/In-valid alphabets, length of strings, reverse of a string,...

     39 p ctuet 23/02/2024 14 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 3

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 3

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 3. The main topics covered in this chapter include: recursive definition of RE, defining languages by RE, language of strings having exactly one aa, Language of strings of even length, language of strings of odd length, RE defines unique language (as Remark), language of strings having at least one a,...

     18 p ctuet 23/02/2024 12 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 17

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 17

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 17. The main topics covered in this chapter include: converting NFA to FA (method 3) and example, NFA and Kleene’s theorem method 1 and examples, NFA and Kleene’s theorem method 2, NFA corresponding to union of FAs and example,...

     22 p ctuet 23/02/2024 14 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 19

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 19

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 19. The main topics covered in this chapter include: NFA corresponding to Closure of FA and examples, memory required to recognize a language and example, distinguishing one string from another and example, theorem and proof,...

     20 p ctuet 23/02/2024 12 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 6

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 6

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 6. The main topics covered in this chapter include: language of strings beginning with and ending in different letters; Accepting all strings, accepting non-empty strings, accepting no string, containing double a’s; having double 0’s or double 1’s, containing triple a’s or triple b’s, EVEN-EVEN;...

     23 p ctuet 23/02/2024 10 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 2

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 2

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 2. The main topics covered in this chapter include: Kleene Star Closure, Plus operation, recursive definition of languages, INTEGER, EVEN, factorial, PALINDROME, languages of strings ending in a, beginning and ending in same letters, containing aa or bb containing exactly aa,...

     24 p ctuet 23/02/2024 10 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 11

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 11

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 11. The main topics covered in this chapter include: proof of Kleene’s theorem part II (method with different steps), particular examples of TGs to determine corresponding Res, the following particular examples of TGs,...

     21 p ctuet 23/02/2024 11 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 4

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 4

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 4. The main topics covered in this chapter include: regular expression of EVEN-EVEN language, difference between a* + b* and (a+b)*, equivalent regular expressions; sum, product and closure of regular expressions; regular languages, finite languages are regular, introduction to finite automaton, definition of FA, transition table, transition diagram;...

     21 p ctuet 23/02/2024 11 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 12

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 12

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 12. The main topics covered in this chapter include: examples of writing REs to the corresponding TGs, RE corresponding to TG accepting EVEN-EVEN language, Kleene’s theorem part III (method 1: union of FAs), examples of FAs corresponding to simple REs, example of Kleene’s theorem part III (method 1) continued,...

     23 p ctuet 23/02/2024 9 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 5

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 5

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 5. The main topics covered in this chapter include: different notations of transition diagrams, languages of strings of even length, odd length, starting with b, ending in a, beginning with b, not beginning with b, beginning and ending in same letters;...

     20 p ctuet 23/02/2024 10 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 7

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 7

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 7. The main topics covered in this chapter include: EVEN EVEN, FA corresponding to finite languages (using both methods), transition graphs, the technique discussed by Martin,...

     20 p ctuet 23/02/2024 9 0

  • Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 8

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 8

    Lecture Theory of Automata: Lesson 8. The main topics covered in this chapter include: TG definition, examples: accepting all strings, accepting none, starting with b, not ending in b, containing aa, containing aa or bb,...

     23 p ctuet 23/02/2024 7 0

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