Self-Reference in the Media

Communication, the conveyance of messages, is the purpose of the media according
to the self-professed ethics of the mass communicators. Messages and
their communication imply otherness: they are about something other thanmessages
and communication, something in some other place and time, addressed
to others by a self. Nevertheless, despite their dimensions of otherness, messages,
communication, and the media have always been about themselves, too –
self-referential messages about messages, communication about communication,
media about the media. Street criers who once called out their public
announcements did not only attract the audience’s attention to their messages
but also captured their imagination by means of their voices, rhetoric, gestures,
and appearance. The newspaper in its competition with other media does not
only inform its readers about the world of otherness, it also informs how and
why it informs so well. The movies do not only bring ever new stories about
heroes and heroines, they also raise an enormous interest and curiosity in the
private lives of those who convey the messages about these heroes and heroines,
i.e., the movie actors and actresses.